access for all

cMoe believes all children have the right to PLAY!

Museums For All

Museums for All is a signature access program of the Association of Children’s Museums (ACM) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to encourage families of all backgrounds to visit museums regularly and build lifelong museum habits. The program enables families to visit cMoe for a minimal fee of $5 per person with the presentation of an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card. Museums for All is part of the cMoe’s broad commitment to seek, include, and welcome all.

  • Museum For All Admission is $5 per person (over the age of 18 months) and is limited to 6 individuals per card. Admission is not paid for with the guest’s EBT card.
  • Guests MUST show their EBT card and state ID card to enroll. After which, they must show their Museums for All card and state ID at each visit.
    P-EBT cards are no longer accepted

Helping Hands Scholarship

  • The Helping Hands Scholarship is offered to Title I EVSC Schools who receive 50% or more free or reduced lunches.
  • The Scholarship applies to our Explorer Field Trips and all applications must be submitted for review prior to booking.
  • Field Trips can be scheduled with our Office Manager at 812-643-cMoe(2663) ext. 230.